School Survey Parents, your voice matters!! Please help us become all we can be by filling out the School Experience Survey. Click Link to get details. ALERT
Enrollment Fair Please join us for our annual Enrollment Fair, Saturday March 15th and see all the great programs Armstrong Middle School has to offer. Click on the Headline to get more details.
2025-2026 LAMS Highly Accelerated Math Test/ Academies Application Please take a look at the programs offered at Louis Armstrong Middle School and fill out an application. Click on the Headline above.
Calling all Families Please join us for a morning workshop that promote Literacy at home! For details please click headline above.
Parent Book Club Please joins us for our parent book club. We will be reading Hidden Potential By Adam Grant. Click the headline for details.
Charter Lottery Affiliated Charter Lottery Drawing for 2025/2026 will be Friday February 7th at 10 AM. Please click on headline above for link.
Coffee with the Principal Please joins us on Wednesday Feb 12 to discuss effects of social media. Please click on headline for details.
WeSpark 5K Run Please come and join the fundraiser benefitting Cancer Support Center. Sunday January 26th. For more information click on the headline above.
Parent Center Meeting Please join us for our upcoming parent workshop, Transitioning the grade levels & G.A.T.E. Designation, taking place on Thursday, November 14th at 9:30 am via Zoom. Click Headline for more information.