School Site Council » School Site Council

School Site Council

Please join us for our March SSC meeting on Thursday, March 27th at 3:45 PM in the library.
Please join us for our February SSC meeting on February 6th at 3:45 in the library.
Please joins us for our January SSC Meeting on Thursday, January 30th, at 3:40 PM. We will be discussing the budget for the 2025/2026 school year.
Please join us for our December SSC Meeting on Wednesday, December 11th at 3:40 in the library.
Please join us for our November SSC Meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 3:40 in the library.
Please join us for our first School Site Council Meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19th at 3:40 in the library.
Please join us for our SSC election on September 12th at 5:30 PM via Zoom.
Smith, Erika is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: SSC Election
Time: Sep 12, 2024 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 979 328 3776
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Meeting ID: 979 328 3776
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Meeting ID: 979 328 3776
To nominate yourself or others for the School Site Council, please use the link below.
Please join us for an SSC and ELAC Orientation following Coffee With the Principal on Wednesday, September 11th at 9:30 AM via Zoom
Please join us for an orientation for teachers, students, and other school personnel on Wednesday, August 28th at 3:40 in the library. We will review the purpose of the School Site Council and the roles and responsibilities of the members. 
School Site Council

Each LAUSD school must have an elected School Site Council (SSC) to represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process. The SSC has a number of important responsibilities, including:

  • Reviewing and analyzing student achievement data
  • Gathering community input
  • Helping develop the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the school site budget
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plan and budget



  • Parent members must be elected by parents of pupils participating in a compensatory education program.
  • Students and parents together make up half of the committee.
  • The committee shall include a broad representation of the parent population served by the school including socio-economic and ethnic groups represented in the school attendance area.
  • Teachers, the principal and other school staff make up the other half of the committee.


SSC Members’ Responsibilities

  • Attend all monthly meetings and vote on necessary action items.
  • Follow the Operating Norms and Code of Conduct.
  • Participate in trainings to carry out their duties effectively.
  • Honor all decisions of the SSC, even if these decisions differ from one's personal opinions.


What to Expect from Your School's Planning Process

Each LAUSD school has several school community meetings, often in the form of the School Site Council (SSC) and the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), to develop the site plan for the school year.
These are the steps in the school planning process, carried out in conjunction with stakeholders at the school:

  1. Collect and review new data about your school and students and reflect on how your school is meeting the needs of the students. Examples of data the council can review are:
    • Academic assessments, such as the SBAC, ELPAC, interim math and ELA assessments and RFEP reclassification data
    • Attendance, out-of-class referrals and suspension data
    • Student and family surveys
  2. Based on that data, and considering your existing two-year plan, analyze any trends or patterns that are revealed. As a result of the analysis, review the current School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and decide whether to revise the Action Plan.
  3. Beginning the first week of March, review a draft of the school budget and decide how to best support these goals and priorities.


How You Can Participate

  • Participate in School Site Council, ELAC and school planning meetings.
  • Together with your student, participate in the school’s student and parent surveys to make sure your voice is heard.